Tabarak Shifa – Healing For the Soul

A collection of remedies made from Sacred Holy Relics. Made with permission from Shaykh Muhammed Mehmed Adil Ar-Rabbani

Shaykh Muhammed, on his visit to Sheffield (Uk – May 2015) said that:
“These medicines are Shifaa (cure) for all illnesses.”

There is a strong Islamic history of using tabaraks for blessings and healing. As narrated in Sahih Bukhari, the wives of The Holy Prophet ﷺ would dip The Blessed Cloak and the Blessed Hair Mubarak of The Holy Prophet ﷺ into water and distribute that water for people to drink for Shifaa and blessings.

Tabaraks have been collected in order to produce a range of 54 remedies in pill form which may be taken internally. Each pill contains an extract of the original Tabarak. Pills may be places once or twice a day under the tongue in a clean mouth. Alternatively, 3 or 4 pills may be added to a small bottle of water and taken throughout the day.

The collection of Tabarak remedies relate to The Holy Prophet ﷺ, His family, His Holy companions, Great Awliya Allah and Sacred Holy sites of Islamic. Therefore, please treat the remedies with utmost respect. Please do not discard any. If the pills have been places in water and needs to be discarded, place in a plant pot. Keep away from perfumes and other strong odours.


Many thanks to all the people around the world who donated the Tabaraks for the making of the remedies. Without their heartfelt generosity, the sharing of the Tabaraks would not have been possible. May Allah Almighty grant them the best of health and high maqaam.